
She's sat on live with a top that shows her breasts he says it only shows a bit of booby,very strange this I understand she's a young woman but honestly very inappropriate clothing to put her in never seen a parent put their disabled adult child in revaling clothes like this if she's hot than a vest and shorts, very dodgy and I'm sure you understand what his actions and behaviour makes people think bad things about them just being dad caring for disabled daughter
She's sat on live with a top that shows her breasts he says it only shows a bit of booby,very strange this I understand she's a young woman but honestly very inappropriate clothing to put her in never seen a parent put their disabled adult child in revaling clothes like this if she's hot than a vest and shorts, very dodgy and I'm sure you understand what his actions and behaviour makes people think bad things about them just being dad caring for disabled daughter
He was getting her to shave her legs on live as well, so bleeping weird if you ask me
This was at the beginning of him going live on tik tok, he was talking about him caring for her and how he has todo personal care like changing her pads and shaving private areas

This makes me sick. I do personal care for my daughter and I do not shave her privates as it’s completely unnecessary plus she cannot consent!! What the f is he doing? This needs reporting to SS!
Anyone catch what they were talking about before this comment was left? Was it deedees mother?
he also said earlier that her real name is Damien?
The fact he’s saying that ss who see her for half an hour don’t know her like ‘you lot do’ what John? A load of strangers, most of them faceless and many of them there to either take the mick or think unmentionable things about Dee? Yes they are absolutely right. She cannot consent. I’m guessing she can answer yes to ‘do you want to be on tiktok with dad?’ But does she know what yes means and does she understand consent? I’m guessing no!