SR Nutrition had a big influence on Joe's weaning method in terms of starting with puree and finger foods, the types of foods to offer etc, then she had input with his book. However in other ways they seem very different, SR likes routine, eating together as much as possible, giving healthy snacks etc. Whereas Joe is all over the place; Indie sometimes would be eating really late, or going far too long without food and not giving snacks. Also when Joe shared Indie's mealtimes every day he was giving her way more than the recommended about of fish for her age, which is not healthy, I bet he still does the same now with her and Marley. (SRN provides guidance on this). Then there was offering reheated or cold meals several times in a day. He was also feeding Indie foods that were known choking hazards such as popcorn, whole berries etc. If I was SR Nutrition this would annoy me, especially with her being so heavily connected with him professionally. Now she's really well established in her own right she doesn't need him. Joe's probably a bit of a joke in the baby/child nutrition and weaning circles to be honest. I find what he does questionable and I bet they do too, probably even more so if it's their profession. I'm not sure if SR Nutrition has any of her own cook/weaning books, but seeing as she contributed to the Wean in 15 book it must be so disappointing that Joe gave up with promoting the book and documenting Marley's weaning journey, I bet there are lots of child nutritionalists that would love the opportunity to publish a weaning book.