Sorry worded that a bit wrong, the girls he hocks up with.I'm obviously missing out! who did joe date?
Although he could have secretly dated some of them.
Sorry worded that a bit wrong, the girls he hocks up with.I'm obviously missing out! who did joe date?
What I saw this morning.... front cover!Just read that! The papers are going to have a field day with this and watching their every move now. But if something does happen, at least they are both now single unlike certain others(Seann and Katya)
Nore am I, it's the most basic PR ever having a "romance" to get more attention.I’m still not convinced they are together.
Nore am I, it's the most basic PR ever having a "romance" to get more attention.
All the mail comments about joe and Dianne dating are crazy, calling Joe gay, wimpy, little, not a real man etc.
Does people really think he's dancing well? He looked like a block of wood walking around the floor, I think Dracula will be so offended by that