Jodie Marsh and Fripps Farm #34 Child animal and abuse lies, came after mass exodus, quell surprise

Just bleeping why, its makes no sense dirty pair of drunken fools
She must know the reaction this will get. She knows exactly what she is doing.

Every time I see her doing something like this I just think she is saying to everyone:- "Because I can"

Those who know their animals recoil in horror at her antics. By treating wild animals like babies she is encouraging people to buy exotic pets. As a so called butchers 'animal sanctuary' she is sending the completely the wrong message about animal care and rehabilitation.

Those deluded cult members who follow Auschfrippz just see cute Disney style animals and see nothing wrong. As far as they are concerned animals just need hugs and kisses and love and Jodie is a saint and her animals live in a paradise.

Nearly all her recent footage is of her bedroom of kidnapped babies and the cat prisoners. We have seen nothing of her 20+ horses, donkeys, emus, pigs, goats, llamas etc who have been confined to the mini paddocks because all her paddocks are literal faecal slushie mud baths. They must be living in horrific conditions.
She must know the reaction this will get. She knows exactly what she is doing.

Every time I see her doing something like this I just think she is saying to everyone:- "Because I can"

Those who know their animals recoil in horror at her antics. By treating wild animals like babies she is encouraging people to buy exotic pets. As a so called butchers 'animal sanctuary' she is sending the completely the wrong message about animal care and rehabilitation.

Those deluded cult members who follow Auschfrippz just see cute Disney style animals and see nothing wrong. As far as they are concerned animals just need hugs and kisses and love and Jodie is a saint and her animals live in a paradise.

Nearly all her recent footage is of her bedroom of kidnapped babies and the cat prisoners. We have seen nothing of her 20+ horses, donkeys, emus, pigs, goats, llamas etc who have been confined to the mini paddocks because all her paddocks are literal faecal slushie mud baths. They must be living in horrific conditions.
All I want for Xmas is a massive RSPCA raid
Some thoughts on drones, I’m not a pilot, or lawyer but have worked on projects which include capturing drone footage

You can fly a drone over private property in the UK, but you must get permission from the landowner to take off and land, adhere to all drone regulations, and respect privacy rights.

Given that Fripps is a CIC (a legal entity in its own right) then it could be argued that JM’s privacy would not be invaded, provided the following is done:

The Civil Aviation Act of 1982 allows drones to fly at a “reasonable” height above land without committing trespass.

Don’t fly drones with cameras within 50 meters of people, vehicles, buildings, or structures.

If it were me flying a drone, I’d send it up from the green above 50m - hell, you could even fly it around the property - you’d just have to make sure any people etc are blurred out when published to comply with GDPR
Where did the foxes that lived here go? Did they all escape? (photos via Fripps Farce). There are 3 runs next to each other - old map shows 2 - marked 9 and 10. Last photo shows all 3 runs together.


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Where did the foxes that lived here go? Did they all escape? (photos via Fripps Farce). There are 3 runs next to each other - old map shows 2 - marked 9 and 10. Last photo shows all 3 runs together.
Building on concrete pavers to evade planning. This is in her back garden with the covenants. Those raised enclosures will make great rat runs! If the covenants are upheld it will all have to come down. Hey Ho! It's not her money she is spending is it!
There's a lot of animals unseen presumed dead at Fripps, but no-one's asking about the biggest mystery of all: what happened to Filthy/Animal Harm? That disappeared and presumably died as well. Who'd have thought that three minute videos of an overweight, animal-abusing bully wouldn't be picked up and turned into a TV series? 🤷‍♀️
I know, I just can’t understand it myself, especially with viewing figures in the hundreds, when she has 200k plus followers. Absolute indulgent crap..still can’t believe she did the poor genet one..or can I, even the guy who did the voice over gave up.