DCI Jack Logan
Chatty Member
I really can’t imagine thee Jodie Marsh picking up any poo herself that’s what her worshippers are for and they should be ever in her debt that they are allowed to do this for her.I was busy enough mucking out one stable and poo picking a field every day with one horse, forget eleventy billion of them!
This is going to be the most horrendous winter existence for those animals
My theory on Steph, pissed off already at the amount of work she was doing whilst munchy moose spent all day eating beef crisps, throwing stale bread at the inmates, shoving her phone into the poor animals faces and scaring them to death and smoking endless cigarettes then celebrity Fiji Geldof and Nicky Weller show up so Jodes has gone from doing not a lot to duck all apart from lovebombing and arse licking her new celebrity friends.
Good theory anyone