I can't see why Mark would have hung around. She looks the worst she's ever looked, undoubtedly stinks to high heaven and probably stopped paying him for building work because he was her boyfriend and getting free board. Bet he got sick of all the neighbours drama, he's an Essex builder, bet her battles with the council, particularly the planning department, made him nervous. He never got the bespoke shoes, Barbados holidays, VIP tour of Graceland etc. She was obviously just using him as an unpaid handyman. Who would want to be around all that bullshit 24-7? He also looks around the age men start thinking about settling down and starting a family which would never happen with her. Now she's publicly humiliated him by saying she will never fall in love with him when she's gushed and enthused over every other bloke she's ever been with. I reckon he's took his toolbox and fucked off.