I’ve been enjoying these threads from the sidelines now for months, but after that display today I could stand on the sidelines no longer.
There’s a few inevitable stages one goes through when one starts following Jojo.
1. Genuine curiosity:
Your pal sends you an off the cuff video of Jojo doing some genuinely odd tit. It could be her jumping around her parents garden to high school musical, but you’ve seen people on acid before so no biggie. It could be her walking along the river Lee mistaking it for the sea, or a pic of a coffee cup that someone wearing bright lipstick had clearly just practiced shifting on. You think to yourself, how intriguing, I’ll dive deeper.
2.Comedy Genius?
In your attempt to rationalise her behaviour you wonder, is this woman intellectually superior and so witty that she’s satirically ripping the piss out of social media culture and we’re just left guessing? Will the day come soon where she turns around and reveals to her 18,000 - 60 followers that she has been having them on for months, at which point she peels her prosthetic mask off revealing Ashton Kutcher and we all realise we’ve been punk’d.
3. Realisation
You realise none of the above is true, this girl is being deadly serious and Ashton is not coming
After that it’s just a never ending flip flop between sympathy and bewilderment. Sympathy for anyone who could exist in such a state of utter delusion, and “can’t peel my eyes away bewilderment” because it’s so intriguing. I mean today’s rant was not only the reheated shite she serves every week but worse. I’ve meet late stage Alzheimer’s patients that have communicated a thought better.
This cycle of taking a break genuinely dumbfounds me too. Take a break from what? Drinking tea in your parents gaff, taking strange photos with Ugly backdrops around cork, or pretending to be a runner/sustainability advocate/ life coach?