I would love to know who is she really, because this current joanne is a complete different person than 2 years ago. Shes had about 3 personas since I've been following her
I don't think she even knows herself. The photo editing is a constant feature, her psychological issues run deep, it's sad to see but she doesn't seem to suffer from them herself, if that makes sense. It's like everyone is watching on in fascination, concern and horror and she's just grand herself.
From my memory her various personas have been:
MUA - this was quite consistent in her life years ago, she had TV slots and built a following, she was one of the earliest MUA's to use social media and IMO this was her at her most successful and stable probably?
Author - starts getting notions, brings out a bizarre book, the photos are atrocious, years later the photographer has a massive falling out with her
"Entrepreneur" - brought out makeup brushes and lip glosses cos everyone and their granny was releasing a product
At this time is also still kind of in influencer circles a bit, but friendships with people like James Patrice disappear suddenly, she's not at any events anymore, she seems to have cut ties with everyone who isn't her then bf.
Gym bunny - sudden obsession with the gym because again that was the flavour of the month on Instagram and she begins dating a PT
Bikini comp competitor - took gym bunny image to next level, lost weight but was too obsessional, had to stop for her mental health, still photoshopped constantly so who knows how much she actually lost, blamed then BF for obsessional dieting
Travel blogger - went on a few holidays with then BF, branded herself as travel blogger for a while. Hasn't gone abroad once with current bf, so just moulds into whatever her fella at the time wants
Raver - I don't even know what to say about this one. She went to a few raves which were frequented by 14 year olds, took some pics and appeared to leave early, claims raving is in her blood lol
Interiors - again, she sees a trend in social media. Starts "curating corners" in her apartment, more bizarre "content" which didn't really amount to anything, but has kinda stuck with it as it appeals to people of her age who are at home-buying age, lives in a nice rental in a picturesque place and knows that it's a fairly lucrative area (affiliate links, spons, freebies etc)
Social media consultancy - knows her own image is fucked, claims to create content for others instead as a "side hussle"
Wellness - is called out mercilessly by call out pages for many many wrongdoings and lies. Hides for a while. Returns with this new penchant for wellness, which coincides with dating a vegan, so is now also a vegan. Knows that ethical veganism is also a trend and that wellness is another emerging current social media trend. Monetises this with a podcast because again, that's what everyone else is doing.