Paul should have gone after her for defamation, she was clearly making out he was abusive.
What I'd love to know is, is your man as crazy as she is? He must be to be going along with all of this bullshit constantly?
Would he not stand back and think "Sh*t, I shouldn't be dragged into this solicitor/sending threatening messages nonsense, it could adversely affect me"?
I can't understand how some actually sensible people give her content a like - I see Simone Scribes, Aisling Keenan, and others like them (i.e. women with positive, factual content, and good followings) liking her posts - why would you do that? Is it out of pity? To be nice?
Simone really surprises me, because Joanne clearly stole a post idea from her about "having a love for old derelict houses" - Simone literally posted a beautifully worded post about how she find old houses so interesting etc, and then Larby starts posting old buildings and parroting the same idea?
She has never had an original idea in her head.
Rant here, but I lose a tiny bit of respect for Simone, Aisling, etc when I see them interacting with her posts; they're not stupid, they must be aware that Joanne is an absolute con artist.