alright I’ll do as the people wish! These are all my opinions of course. I feel so strongly as I was a young college student into fitness and followed her back in the day. I lost of my confidence and compared myself to what I saw online and I developed an eating disorder and lost 30 lbs in a year. There’s much more awareness now, but what she did affected me. Her lying about her size and her photoshop use affected me. Of course, my eating disorder wasnt larbys “fault” but she sold a lifestyle and body that were not attainable or real.
she photoshops herself beyond recognition. she lies about her size.
she does this while claiming to be body positive. I’m beating a dead horse here perhaps but she’s an insult to the body positivity movement.
she entered a bikini fitness comp and shared her incredibly restrictive diet and gym regime, she didn’t end up doing it in the end.
she denied using tan, then was found to be using tanning beds while claiming to be naturally sallow. she then signed on to advertise for BPerfect and some other tans and quickly changed her tune. she alluded to her father (who was not part of her life) being dark skinned. this was cleared up as being false by her own brother, who said their father is a white Irish dude.
she used the African skin tone emoji with her photos. This is unacceptable and NOT politically correct. She also figuratively darkens her skin with filters to be darker than Beyoncé (see my previous post of these side by side pics). This is unacceptable
she also used to deny lip fillers which we all know to be a lie.
this is sticky- but instead of filing against her ex for claimed abuse, she took to social media,. If the abuse is real, plastering it on social media belittles the abuse and makes it seem gossip-y. If the abuse was not real that is a whole other issue. I lean towards always believing claims of abuse, but her buckets of lies make me question anything she says.
I consider this a blunder - see my previous post about how she has spent over 100k euro in the last 8 years on designer handbags and shoes, that is, assuming they are all real (as she claims, or at least gives the impression they are).
she recently claimed she would wean off using filters on Instagram. That clearly hasn’t happened.
she claims To empower other women. Where was she when any other blogger came out with a new product? She has never applauded or promoted anyone other than herself.
besides no visible community around her, she seems to have blundered every relationship. James Patrice, Caroline, other bloggers... and now seemingly her own family. It’s quite sad.
she has a pattern of creating giveaways and never choosing a winner. We all know this.
It’s also a blunder to put a gloss over everything. Calling herself a teacher - yes she taught at a preschool but that’s not the same as going to college for an educational degree. I’m sure she’ll be calling herself an interior designer after this certificate from Groupon too.
Someone else mentioned it so I’ll say it again - she has a thesaurus use of colours and other vocabulary. Yesterday she said she was “besotted with botanical tablescape”. Could she BE more pretentious?
and the biggest blunder of all - the big fat lies. never acknowledging what she’s done wrong. we see you Jo, and your little dog too. (Who is from a breeder might I add)