When I take my N95 mask or respirator off at the end of a 13 hour shift, and then see anti-vaccine propaganda, it both boils my blood and makes me sincerely scared for society. Everyone has a right to choose but those who choose not to vaccinate are putting themselves, their loved ones, their grannies, their nephew with an immune condition, etc...ie society at large, at risk. It’s one of the most selfish things you can do. I could go on about the children I’ve seen in the ICU from vaccine preventable diseases but then I’ll never stop.
she has a (tumbling) platform and could use it for good. Besides the one fundraiser/awareness for EB Ireland she’s never done anything for the greater good from her platform. Speaks volumes about who she is as a person really. Pippa organized a ball that raised thousands, Rosie raised thousands for a hospital after her son was in hospital, Lisa Jordan shares fundraisers sent in to her all the time. Jo is only watching her own back it would seem.