Joanne Larby #20 All 5 of her eggs in one basket, Tattle outed her pregnancy, no doubt she blew a gasket

Genuine question - not trying to shame breast feeding (having a baby myself and open to trying it but personally feel bottle feeding will be for me) but why are some women so braggy/obsessed with talking about breast feeding and this ‘sadness’ that comes over them when their ‘bf journey’ comes to an end. Like J telling her son mommy is ‘making new milk’ for new baby - like is he not about 3 and too old to be thinking about milk from his mother’s boobs being his milk . Seriously breastfeeding is normal but why does she love it so much
Genuine question - not trying to shame breast feeding (having a baby myself and open to trying it but personally feel bottle feeding will be for me) but why are some women so braggy/obsessed with talking about breast feeding and this ‘sadness’ that comes over them when their ‘bf journey’ comes to an end. Like J telling her son mommy is ‘making new milk’ for new baby - like is he not about 3 and too old to be thinking about milk from his mother’s boobs being his milk . Seriously breastfeeding is normal but why does she love it so much
Careful, you will have the breast feeding police after you 🤣🤣🤣
presuming people will tell me I won’t ‘get it’ until I have a baby or something.
Get yourself a perfect prep machine they are great ☺️ nah it’s great that people are breastfeeding and all but it’s the ones like Joanne that would wither you, she seems to have devoted her whole life and personality based on the fact she opted to breastfeed. It’s genuinely withering. You never hear of people that opt to bottle feed going on like that.
Genuine question - not trying to shame breast feeding (having a baby myself and open to trying it but personally feel bottle feeding will be for me) but why are some women so braggy/obsessed with talking about breast feeding and this ‘sadness’ that comes over them when their ‘bf journey’ comes to an end. Like J telling her son mommy is ‘making new milk’ for new baby - like is he not about 3 and too old to be thinking about milk from his mother’s boobs being his milk . Seriously breastfeeding is normal but why does she love it so much

I bf my baby up to 6m, it kind of was forced upon me as I was hospitalised. Anyway , the sadness is the hormone drop that comes with stopping bf that is real alright as I did feel my hormones were all over the place and my period came back so it was a bit of a challenging few weeks.

But there is people alright have a sense of importance around bf as it makes them feel superior and it's a flex. She's just insufferable and wants everyone to know she is bf as it makes her feel important.
Nobody gives it a tit how your child is fed and your child just wants to eat.

I never imagined I'd do extended breastfeeding, the idea of a toddler hanging off me for comfort just didn't appeal to me but like if you want to do it , good for you but don't go on and on about it.

Just to finish, bottle-feeding is equally as hard, I hate washing bottles 🤭
Genuine question - not trying to shame breast feeding (having a baby myself and open to trying it but personally feel bottle feeding will be for me) but why are some women so braggy/obsessed with talking about breast feeding and this ‘sadness’ that comes over them when their ‘bf journey’ comes to an end. Like J telling her son mommy is ‘making new milk’ for new baby - like is he not about 3 and too old to be thinking about milk from his mother’s boobs being his milk . Seriously breastfeeding is normal but why does she love it so much
People like Joanne make BF sound elite , it’s very normal and not some big flex . People like her make the subject divisive. You do it or you don’t . I was lucky it worked out but when I was ready to stop I was ready , did it slowly so no drop in hormones and was happy to be finished when time came
She is condescending to lift herself up wherever she can - such as BF or how many hours her baby sleeps, or how many straw designer bags she has… To me this reflects a deep rooted sense of insecurity and deflated sense of worth, perhaps in comparison to her social media peers who have been objectively more successful in the world of content creation. she’s stuck in the insta days of 2014 where it was new and Braggy and “aspirational” and keeps latching on to whichever personality de jour keeps her feeling better than everyone and thus able to preach on the subject. Give it 3-4 years and it’ll be about her comeback and finding herself once the kids are starting school. If she’s still over sharing I would put my money on a renewed interest in horses… or donkeys.
I honestly used to follow all these insta bloggers for fun, then continuedfollowing Joanne because of the entertaining drama, and unfollowed because of how desperate and sad it all became in Covid and with her children (I still have absolute rage over the monetization of children who cannot consent to their online presence).
Traumatic is lots of things, we all have our own experiences. It's not a competition.
Does she keep going on about traumatic birth and how it didn’t go to plan, she got both babies delivered. My child passed away. Never came into my head about competing. This MY opinion!
A feck that, that's totally unfair.
Haven’t experienced child loss no? My opinion
I believe the poster above lost one of her newborn twin girls. Of course it's not a competition but Larby is constantly referring to her birth trauma, never elaborates and never posts links to resources that other mothers in a similar position may find helpful. She's completely exploiting her 'trauma' for attention on the internet. It's not genuine, it's not coming from a good place. She'd want to cop on.
Does she keep going on about traumatic birth and how it didn’t go to plan, she got both babies delivered. My child passed away. Never came into my head about competing. This MY opinion!

Haven’t experienced child loss no? My opinion
I've had a miscarriage since you're so interested?
But that doesn't mean that someone who hasn't lost a child can't have had a traumatic time. I'm very sorry for your loss, but it's very unfair to invalidate others because yours is worse.
I've had a miscarriage since you're so interested?
But that doesn't mean that someone who hasn't lost a child can't have had a traumatic time. I'm very sorry for your loss, but it's very unfair to invalidate others because yours is worse.
Opinions not relevant apparently, so back to
And there are starving children in Africa. One person's trauma does not invalidate another's.

Let's not totally derail the thread!
You’re completely derailing making a comment about starving children in Africa 🤔
I made a comment about my opinion on JOANNE