They clearly do live together anyone can see that
she will only be saying he doesn’t live there because clearly they are conning the system, both of them are more than likely claiming separately to get more money
honestly people like that really annoy me, she’s embarrassing her begging doesn’t even do it discreet either just straight out asks for things.. I came across her live once not long back and she literally said who wants to “chip in” to get her kid some sort of animal and cage ffs
if she cannot afford animals why get them! I don’t know how old her child is but she certainly should have some sort of routine and normality but she keeps her up to all hours n then probably sleeps till the afternoon it’s sad, she says because she doesn’t go nursery or school she doesn’t need routine
, she will regret the sleeping pattern she’s allowed her to have because when she does try to get her in routine when she is at nursery/school it will be hard because the little girls body/brain will be so used to the late nights