I’m confused as to the order of events - she’s blaming stories not uploading in order but it now looks more like she is just going offline to feed the frenzy and then dropping little crumbs.
Similar to the day she was putting on her makeup and said she was in so much pain that her friend was taking her and Sadie out for lunch but she was going to have to come of stories as she was in too much pain and she would chat later
Then came on a day or two later saying they didn’t get going to lunch where planned and they had to go to Amazing giveaway that really would be a treat to win - thanks for the opportunity
Fingers crossed
elsewhere- then in practically the same 24 hour segment
she had Sadie with an 8hr friend play date and her on a trip to Corick House which was all obviously posted retrospectively
Then next stories basically went from that trip to a hospital admission …. And her so sick and sore and then all them visitors
Is she some kind of Royalty because single room or not even that number of visitors and carryon is a joke
When I had a relative practically breathing their last breath we weeent allowed that many in a room and that was pre covid
We had to take it in short shifts and stay outside the ward to wait your turn
Meanwhile they all gather to share a takeaway feast - I would be complaining to the medical director of SWAH if myself or a relative was currently in there or had recently been subject to visiting restrictions
That along with taking pictures of medical professionals
who even are all those people