Im not that interested in all these lists. Surely the issue with Epstein, now he is dead and gone, is how to stop this abuse of power happening again.
you can go around and around in circles blaming everyone named in connection with Epstein, but the guy was never completely operating alone- other people did condone and assist him by not speaking out at the time. Epstein must have used dodgy deals to amass quite so much money and become so powerful financially. Why wasn't he stopped earlier?
And one of the biggest issues for me, is that if these ruthless men, like Epstein and Robert Maxwell, (linked because of Ghislaine) arent called out and stopped, then their behaviour becomes normalised or acceptable by those around them. So who do you blame? Ghislaine grew up with a completely immoral father, and then seems to have become the willing accomplice for a man like Epstein. Why did no one challenge her years and years before this, and point out that her behaviour was dubious at best?
The biggest issue is that most of us know full well why not. Money talks, and rich people get away with appalling behaviour that is both immoral and often illegal.
Rumours abounded about Epstein and his island for years. Most of the girls on there, were poor and desperate for money and attention. Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world. So far too many people just turned a blind eye to what was going on. Mud slinging names on a list now, seems sad.