I always find it a bit strange that celebs lose jobs when they cheat. I don’t condone it. Far from it. But if you shagged so and so in the office, it’s not splashed on the front page of The Scum with calls for sacking you from the general public. I mean pervs like Schofield, yeah! Get rid! His is criminal and disgusting behaviour.
tit goes on behind the cameras. They all shag one another. If they get caught, it’s embarrassing and they do the whole “I won’t do it again” speech. They shouldn’t be sacked though. Anyone in a role as an MP or civil service type role then it’s a bit different. They’re paid to serve the public and are supposed to have some morals. I dunno, he’s a bit of a dick for cheating but it’s his personal life. It shouldn’t reflect on his job if he does what his contract states! I think we see and discuss far worse morals than his on here! I don’t actively follow his career but he doesn’t bother me. Bit like Paddy McGuinnes I think. Both found fame off PK haven’t they? Both done very well out of it. There’s far worse than these two out there though!