You guys need to do more with that wiki piece, which has only received 8300 views. I get the impression that the most relevant information is pushed to the end.
True, I believe the pet and war paragraphs should be moved to the end. There's also too much emphasis on Josh. The Jasmine Lipska scamming situation isn’t complete; there is so much more that has not been addressed, and what is now on the wiki is simply the tip of the iceberg.
I agree with them. I made a new order for the table of contents:
- 1. Disclaimer and FREE RESOURCES!
- 2. How to report a life coach aka Jasmine Lipska / Jasmine Campbell
- 3. Biography Jasmine Lipska / Jasmine Campbell
- 4. Why not buy from Jasmine Lipska or collaborate with Jasmine Lipska aka Jasmine Campbell
- - 4.1 Jasmine's irresponsible health advice Anna's Analysis
- - 4.2 Stealing content/bribery
- - 4.3 Breach of confidentiality: ILLEGAL
- - 4.4 Jasmine & Jingjing: The viral video
- - 4.5 why you SHOULDN'T attend Jasmine's (or any coaches) retreat
- - 4.6 Testimonials
- - 4.7 A note for potential collaborators/clients: Unprofessionalism
- 5. Jasmine's fake backstory
- 6 Jasmine's husband and in laws: Racism, far right views and conspiracy theories.
- 7. Jasmine's own problematic views: Ukrainian war response
- 8. poor hygiene and disrespect to surroundings/others
- 9. Angel the Dog: Abuse, Abandonment and Death
I forgot to number Ana's analysis (4.2). So, at top-level heading number 4, there must be a total of eight numbered second-level headings.
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