Searched up Kelly Morita out of curiosity. She's a white woman with an Asian husband (mixed race couple like Jas and Josh) and get this... She just announced her pregnancy. Definitely in line with how Jasmine always wants to copy her latest muse and becomes obsessed with "embodying" them. This definitely explains the baby overdrive she's been in recently. She's in competition with all her "friends" and other coaches. So weird.
Ok, all the best to Kelly in her future chapter.
I can smell jealousy and competition from Jasmine.
I have known cases of women that have children from previous relationships/marriages then they find someone and want to start anew have more children with this new man try month in, month out nothing happens and then they got pregnant at 45+.
I know the last paragraph is irrelevant and I could say way more things but since we know Jasmine reads this I just want to show her that there’s no need to be jealous and feel the need to compete with others, she will have her children ideally when the right time comes.
I wrote this but if Jasmine gets pregnant now I can see very well where this is going.
Yes, she’s been trying to throw away her Asian side ever since she started dating Josh. She’s for sure trying to just be a basic white girl.
I guess her dad didn’t expose her to any Polish. I’m honestly not surprised since I know a good portion of those who are biracial that only speaks one of the languages and not the other. This can be due to the parent not having time to teach them, just don’t bother to do so or the other parent don’t want them to learn due to them not understanding it etc. I don’t think she ever tried to learn Polish despite trying to learn other languages though.
According to Jasmine her father speaks Chinese Mandarin fluently and he won a scholarship at university to study in China and that’s how he met Jingjing and she got pregnant and had her in Australia, she also said that her mother chose the name Jasmine because she didn’t know much English at the time and was not very familiar with Western names but she liked Jasmine from Aladin so that was the name she chose.
She also lived in China till age of 4 and dad did not feel it was necessary to focus on Polish but thought them a little.
I can’t speak for all the Polish parents living outside of Poland but from what I see when both parents are Polish it’s VERY important for them to raise their children speaking Polish to the best of their ability when they mix with other nationalities it can be “complicated
As I mentioned before I was once fostered by Polish Jews at one point and I did want to learn the language but sadly there were not many resources available to me at the time as time passed they started to appear and I did make efforts to learn and took Polish lessons during covid, I am nowhere near fluent fluent like C1-C2 level but I tried and will continue.
JellyJam is right about European American people and there are lots of American people in general leaving the USA and a lot of those people are not even going back to the country of their ancestors I see for example British+Irish+German or Native American, African American and so on moving to cheap parts of Portugal, Spain, Czechia, Poland and so on for different reasons could be affordable/ economic life while working remotely from a US company, mental health, better environment (no violence, guns) or better acceptance for their skin colour.