
I don’t follow her page as much anymore, for obvious reasons, but I’m guessing she still hasn’t mentioned the issues in Iran? Or mentioned the concerns about the Qatar World Cup? She may have and I may have missed it but I haven’t noticed it, so apologies if so. God forbid you criticise human right violations and that it affects your extortionate holiday trip company!! For someone who claims her background is in journalism, she’s very quiet…
I don't really follow her either anymore but I doubt she has said anything about those things seeing as there is literally nothing she could say to defend herself 😹.

And I don't think she has much of a background working in journalism... she was a TEFL teacher in Korea, probably straight out of college or soon after. Unless she counts her blog as journalism! Travel journalist I guess?

Also I'm so surprised she went back to Mexico after she ranted about the place so much the whole time she was there before. She seemed to hate the place.
As someone who also lives in another Asian country, the arse could fall out of any of these property deals she's doing very quickly. Or some of the rules/laws etc could change overnight and they certainly don't give a duck how things affect rich foreigners. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Yes, everything is cheaper there but they are still hefty sums of money she's putting into this stuff for years to come not knowing if the current situation will remain stable.
Bullied in print media and a celebrity in Iraq. Wow. I'm speechless. She's delusional.

Also she doesn't own a home in Bali. She has a long term lease and the rules could change for any of that stuff over night.

I presume the highest paid influencer gigs were the ones she was written about in the media for her shady behaviour 😂. Yes, Janet, they were the highest paid for a reason. Probably Syria and Saudi. If she cried herself to sleep for a month over that but didn't gain any perspective or accept any responsibility for her actions then I have no words. It's just "bullying".

And it's interesting she is clearly still mad about how the owner built a new gaff beside her which wasn't part of their deal. He obviously tricked her and was gonna build it all along 😂. She tried to pretend she wasn't mad and knew it was the reality of doing business in Bali. But she clearly doesn't know the reality of doing business there. If she wants local people running around after her, cleaning her gaff and hanging up her pictures for her, she will have to accept the other realities that come with all that. She's always take take take.