I am glad she has finally got a grip and changed to calorie counting. That stupidity with slimming world is what drove me to not watch her. It was common sense that she was eating too many calories versus what her body needed and that's why she wasn't loosing weight. It was frustrating that she couldn't see that and how she would block anyone that mentioned calorie counting and now all of a sudden its the greatest thing since sliced bread! Also bugs me that she thinks she has found this revolutionary weight loss secret, no Jane if you had listened to people years ago instead of blocking them you might not still be where you are!
A time will come as her weight decreases, her calories must also decrease in order for her to be in a calorie deficit and that's when she will be in trouble. She can get away with 1500 calories at the moment because she has weight too loose but once she gets to that point where her body only needs 1500 calories she will start maintaining and go back to her usual moaney self.
I think it is sad that her mood towards herself and Charlie is so greatly affected by how much weight she has lost and whether Charlie has lost more than her.