Caravan fun
I swear those two could make anything look dull, they'll be on Wallace Arnold tours next, made me laugh when she said she was delayed putting up the vlog cos she "didn't wan't to put out any old rubbish" isn't that 99% of her vlogs are anyway? Then she said she was going to take her chocolate biscuit and cup of tea and have a lie down to rurrrrrrlax as she'd been at work and just had her lunch! If she put more effort in and created quality content then I would get the whole working part time and doing youtube part time but she just films herself in the kitchen half heartedly cooking in her nightie or stained tops, does dull taste tests telling Charlie what to say or car chats which are like watching paint dry in terms of entertainment value, she is so so lazy, has drivvel content and still gets the followers and lots of kiss ass comments, the world has gone mad!