where was the raffle on facebook? I only saw it on her insta stories......were people having a go? she's such a cheeky sod and is a classic way to boost sales in MLM......not everyone does it of course but a lot do, ages ago I joined an "opportunity group" for an MLM, my friend was part of it already and had been told she HAD to add five friends to the event so she asked if she could add me and a few others so she wouldn't get pressure from her upline, I said yes because lets face it im nosey
it was an eye opener for sure, the upline was saying how easy it was to get sales and she even encouraged people to do a couple of raffles a week as it was an easy way to hit targets and generate sales, she said make sure they did it in a closed group as it was against company and facebook rules, she also said be careful who you let into your groups as people spy and report and if they got reported she would deny telling them it was ok to do raffles and they would have to deal with any repercussions on their own, it was actually quite funny watching it all but sadly I got booted from he group when I said "no chance" when asked if I was signing up LOL