Look at that for a blown up face and she’s done that in the space of a week and a half !!!. Well got a bit of news to report from that vid and it’s still on but will come back on once I,ve dried me hair off!
My heart sank when she said the video was dedicated to Sarah Beeston who wanted to know how to clean a Tassimmo and Charlie with his paunch
and man tits did the deed....
HOWEVER. HOT news is the fat
duck is back at work !!! working nights so she doesn’t have to come into contact with customers omfg !! She said her works had contacted her last week and suggested it so she was starting last night at 2am. Sounded as happy as a pig in
tit, said she had piled weight on and
bleeping hell you could tell but being the diet guru that she is was trying to lose weight it....yawn. That’s where she’s lost me for now as got water dripping down me neck off me hair. Back in a bit !!