Does anyone remember when she changed her job from picking to Customer Service? I think it was something to do with calling people about their online shopping rather than shop floor Custome Service?
She did it for a while and then came on a vlog all very concerned because Tesco were getting rid of that job and she was going to be made redundant.
I can't remember the in's and out's but I know she kept going on about it and all the uncertainty, her anxiety, blah, blah blah.
Then I saw a message left on her insta (before I was blocked!) or on a vlog, I can't remember which, from, I assume, one of her colleagues saying, you'll be ok, you know that you can go back to your old job or words to that effect!!
I remember thinking then, what a bloody drama queen and all the time she knew redundancy wasn't even on the cards.
Great for content though and getting lots of sympathy from the sheep, I guess!
And, yes, obviously, she did go back to her old job as that is what she is still doing, for which we ALL owe our lives to her for
and must remain eternally grateful for without her and her alone, we wouldn't have a turkey at Christmas or food on our tables now