Just seen a trailer for their podcast,James was talking about leaving sports day on the hottest day of the year, the look of anger on Clairs face couldn't be hidden,she looked as if she wanted to say'shut the F..k up,head'. In this weeks vlog,James gave us a glimpse of just how fragile his ego is,he made his Trager ham and one of the boys said it was too sweet,as always James makes passive aggressive comments trying to 'act ', I think he was really annoyed and wasn't actually acting. James gets quite an angry look when he's really peed off. I get the impression he can be quite a moody,difficult man if he's not centre of attention or being told he's amazing. I genuinely dont know how Clair tolerates him,no amount of money is worth living like that. Both of them are probably having to sell themselves and their family on social media because his acting work isnt guaranteed or reliable,a bit like him I suppose.