James & Clair Buckley

I always find it funny when these two advertise food supplements or meal prep boxes,they eat nothing but processed foods or take aways or freebies from neighbours or friends.I suppose when you're lazy but need the money you'll sell absolutely anything. His cameo messages are the ultimate lazy option.


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He hides behind the beard. He's a mess.
He's not grown or developed, he thinks he's going to live off the character ''Jay",any acting has been bit parts nothing substantial. I totally agree,the beard is a mess,both of thrm have questionable personal hygiene,in some older vlogs he goes for days without showering and do does Clair, then think it's funny to publicly talk about how they both smell of B.O
I always find it funny when these two advertise food supplements or meal prep boxes,they eat nothing but processed foods or take aways or freebies from neighbours or friends.I suppose when you're lazy but need the money you'll sell absolutely anything. His cameo messages are the ultimate lazy option.
Omg who isn't promoting Symprove these days? Really puts me off ever trying it tbh.
I haven't watched a video of theirs for ages tbh - but last time I was surprised at how unkempt James was tbh. Plus he's got to that age where you can't just keep eating rubbish and effortlessly stay slim.
For some reason with his hairstyle he always reminds me of that badly repaired fresco 😂


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Seriously,now pushing her sisters business. 3 tattoos for £70,clearly not a very good tattoo artist at that price,cheap and tacky. Decent tattoo artists have a waiting list don't need bargain bucket offers to get custom


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Just seen a trailer for their podcast,James was talking about leaving sports day on the hottest day of the year, the look of anger on Clairs face couldn't be hidden,she looked as if she wanted to say'shut the F..k up,head'. In this weeks vlog,James gave us a glimpse of just how fragile his ego is,he made his Trager ham and one of the boys said it was too sweet,as always James makes passive aggressive comments trying to 'act ', I think he was really annoyed and wasn't actually acting. James gets quite an angry look when he's really peed off. I get the impression he can be quite a moody,difficult man if he's not centre of attention or being told he's amazing. I genuinely dont know how Clair tolerates him,no amount of money is worth living like that. Both of them are probably having to sell themselves and their family on social media because his acting work isnt guaranteed or reliable,a bit like him I suppose.
Just seen a trailer for their podcast,James was talking about leaving sports day on the hottest day of the year, the look of anger on Clairs face couldn't be hidden,she looked as if she wanted to say'shut the F..k up,head'. In this weeks vlog,James gave us a glimpse of just how fragile his ego is,he made his Trager ham and one of the boys said it was too sweet,as always James makes passive aggressive comments trying to 'act ', I think he was really annoyed and wasn't actually acting. James gets quite an angry look when he's really peed off. I get the impression he can be quite a moody,difficult man if he's not centre of attention or being told he's amazing. I genuinely dont know how Clair tolerates him,no amount of money is worth living like that. Both of them are probably having to sell themselves and their family on social media because his acting work isnt guaranteed or reliable,a bit like him I suppose.
He's not a good actor. He was good as Jay but that's it. He always seems a bit embarrassed by being an actor - not helped by Clare always taking the piss out of it 'oh he's off to the Thee-ate-orr for his acting'.
The acting has all but dried up. He's so keen to constantly appear a bit youthful and hip he's discounting himself for more interesting middle aged roles now.
the ham looked a bit undercooked and at the end Clair shouted send us some money. Scroungers.
Both of them are starting to take the pee,doing the least amount, they said this weeks vlog would be exciting,I must have blinked and missed it. I can't stand watching Clair eat with those bloody lip fillers,it irrationally annoys me. People eating with mouth open or talking while eating, seriously irritates me. Maybe Clair could get a job and earn some money,but now shes got the puppy to look after,no doubt the poor little bugger will be fed lots of crap from their plates,the same as Paisley, always concerned me they fed her meat theyd coated in marinade.
Surprise Surprise, nothing for two weeks vlog wise then the money grabbing has started again. I agree with earning a living and more than happy to support hard working vloggers,but these two clearly are only interested in the money and freebies and expect people to support them. None of the supplements they advertise aren't any good,that family is constantly ill, the crap diet and excessive alcohol probably doesn't help


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Surprise Surprise, nothing for two weeks vlog wise then the money grabbing has started again. I agree with earning a living and more than happy to support hard working vloggers,but these two clearly are only interested in the money and freebies and expect people to support them. None of the supplements they advertise aren't any good,that family is constantly ill, the crap diet and excessive alcohol probably doesn't help
Bloody Symprove. I've seen so many people on IG flogging it with their discount codes. And it's incredibly expensive. About £70 for a month's supply. There are far cheaper decent alternatives.
These two are so lazy. It's not as if they have other work is it? They pop up when they want to flog something like products they are advertising, or listeners to podcasts or their book or tickets.
I used to really like them too.
Bloody Symprove. I've seen so many people on IG flogging it with their discount codes. And it's incredibly expensive. About £70 for a month's supply. There are far cheaper decent alternatives.
These two are so lazy. It's not as if they have other work is it? They pop up when they want to flog something like products they are advertising, or listeners to podcasts or their book or tickets.
I used to really like them too.
Totally agree, James is bone idol but very money oriented and I think Clair hates any kind of work, because she sees earning money as his responsibility, so vlogging and pod casts are extremely forced,you can see her resentment.