Mermaids is a charity for transgender children. They follow an affirmation only policy. Encourage parents to buy hormones online. The CEO took her son to Thailand on his 16th birthday for sex reassignment surgery. There is a wealth only info online about them. Vapid Celebs like JJ and Emma Watson have donated to them and encouraged others to do so. Mermaids is living on borrowed time. I hope they get sued to high heaven for untold damage they have done
Rumour is they are about to be sued big time. There has been a change in the water and people are waking up to their agenda.
@MindyLahiri @DietGossip
Just to add to this great post:
Thailand actually changed the law on sex reassignment in their country because of the CEO taking her underage son to get it done
She openly laughed on stage in a room full of people when giving a talk about the state of her sons now mutiliated penis
Admits that she is (or was) homophobic and couldn’t stand the thought of having a gay son. She tried gay conversion therapy before going down the trans route.
Mermaids encourage children to speak only to them and hide things from their parents. They also advise teachers to NOT tell their parents if the child has talked about being trans.
A court ordered Mermaids to stay away from one family who said they were being harassed by them and contacted non-stop trying to get in touch with their child.
They referred children to doctors who had their licenses stripped from them for bad practice and had to move to Spain so they could still operate from there.
A woman (biological) who worked for Mermaids took a trans woman to court...for transphobia. The judge threw the case out and told her it was ridiculous and a massive waste of his time and criticised the CPS for letting it get that far.
Mermaids have got their claws into everything from the NHS, to the police, to politics and to schools. If you have a child, check your schools website. It likely has a Mermaids affiliation on it.
There has been a 4000(!!)% increase of children identifying as trans. Largely thought to be down to Mermaids and the fact that they offer SAME DAY hormonal drugs to underage children. Many of these children are gay or autistic and encouraged to go down this route leaving their bodies ungrown and in some cases, infertile for the rest of their lives.
Early “transers” who were involved with Mermaids from children have already detransitioned as adults. Unfortunately, some of these adults no longer have breasts as they were removed or able to have children of their own because of all the hormones they have taken.
Recently, there was something involving a Law School getting their students to read about the outcome of a case involving Mermaids but Mermaids didn’t like it so heavily redacted it. So not only are they not a fan of biology, but are actively rewriting non-fictional history. It’s the equivalent of students looking at the Harvey Weinstein case but not before Harvey himself looked over the text and removed anything he didn’t like, despite being found guilty and losing the case.
Their time is coming. It has been a LONG time.
Oh, and Jameela is still a