I think he has an album on his phone titled “re-usable bullshit” I think whenever he actually does go somewhere or does have an audition in the big smoke he takes random images similar to this to pretend he off somewhere when really he’s in bed! Its like if he wants to take a insta break and not explain his absence to his masses of adoring fans he re uses old recorded videos like this
im sure he has some on a train or on a plane aswell to reuse! Think this is in the self titled ‘influencer’s ’ handbook
I remember he posted an image of an empty train station that he took off google about a year or more ago maybe? literally took it off google
What was the thing about the image of the bird or something? That still baffles me? what number thread was that on?
Also has Flaps shown her boat race yet? if not it doesn’t count as ‘being back’
oh the suspense and mystery behind the disappearance of Flappy the unknown instagrammer and failed youtube vlogger and CGD contestant that got pied by Eyal Booker! oh yeah and wife of some cunt off xFactor!