Yeah, why's he holding him like that, just hold his hand properly you massive
hole poor Leo back in his oversize beige clothes. He looked so much better in the clothes Zelda got him and had so much more attention on him, although he was watching TV while he ate still☹ Fakey and Flappy are teaching that poor boy no good habits whatsoever, how he is expected to do when they teach him bad habits, no discipline either. He's literally been plonked in front of the TV since he was born
You'd never know she had Freddie who was 8, honestly like she's never been a parent before.
We are having a bit of a fun time with my 13yr old at the moment, over phones and social media, but you know what, we are tackling it, not just letting her do what she likes. I told her other parents might let their kids have phones all day long, but not us. I asked her why she thought they did, cos then they won't be up their arses all day
bingo kid, correct, no way am I parenting that way, it's so lazy. I fear for society, as babies get phones shoved at them from birth, I mean there's even baby TV ffs, people should research the effect of phones and TV on babies and young children. It affects brain development, kids are going to school not talking properly or af all, poor or no fine motor skills, it's just so sad