VIP Member
Baby Dino when you’re reading here today, I’ve got a way you could fill your charity table up. Ask your mum for the £3,600 you need to buy 12 tickets, then you could make yourself look good by saying you’ve bought them all so you can do a giveaway to 12 of your most loyal ‘fans’, so they can enjoy an evening in your riveting company. You could even say they had to follow you and Flappy to also help your IG numbers? Basically a win win for you. Makes you look generous, saves face plus it’ll save you money on buying followers but still increase them at the same time from your giveaway Just a suggestion. Otherwise if you can’t afford to pay mummy back, just feign illness which is one thing you excel at and that will also save you money on a new suit, travel, hotel, etc.. and stop you looking like a total loser when your table isn’t even half full. You’re welcome