Looking old and haggard today this morning boy
Why would he drive home at midnight to have to go back this morning
honestly he's such a prick, all the times he's stayed in London and he didn't need to
Wtf was that awful singing last night
he really thinks he's something doesn't he, well let me tell you Fakey you ain't all that, been in musicals
you were in a tour of Footloose, where you appear for about 10 minutes and didn't even complete the run, Aston from JLS took over
then did panto in Lincoln, which again you didn't do the full run of. Spotting a theme here are we Fakeys
He absolutely cannot stand normal family life, you know getting the kids up, breakfast, getting dressed and ready for school. Taking Fred to school and then coming back and getting jobs done, he
bleeping hates it all
How are they gonna pay the bills after the honeymoon
Genuine question, do you think he takes any of what is said here on board, or does he think we all talk bollocks and he's the best thing since sliced bread