People already commenting . Thing is he has told this story a thoasand times before we get it his brother and dad died it’s terrible but he’s milked this for years and this last year since having absolutely NO work he has milked it a thoasand times more because he’s jobless and skint !!!
imagine using your dead relatives to make money and get yourself seenbut not actually visiting the resting place !!! So many nice things Jake could do but he doesn’t it’s all attention that’s all he wants and money !!!
my relative died from cancer I visit her grave every Easter and Christmas with flowers I never even got the chance to meet her as I wasn’t born . I got my mum a card for the book in the chapel of rest so she can swipe it and see the name with a dove . Jake ain’t done that for his mum has he NO because it’s all about money and being seen he’s a prick