I’ve never seen a SAHM spend so little time holding/playing and being with their baby like you’re not busy you’re home is a state, you don’t work, you apparently don’t have a routine so why can’t you hold your kidHer poor girls head is so insanely flat in her new sitting video. tho im not surprised because shes never held
How could you not know your baby milk is running low id always buy a new one once it was near the bottom .
Id be to scared to give cows milk only in food . Surely she must of know hours before an 8 month old still needs a few bottles as it's still there main source if they get unwell usually just want milk more then food .screaming neglectful… in my 4 years of parenting ive never ever ran out of my babies milk without topping it up way before it was empty
instead shes gave her 8? month old a bottle of cows milk
Exactly!!! It's really infuriating me. So in the korma video she said she's making a dinner tonight where her kids absolutely do not like.Does she actually cook anything they like?