Shall we go though this line by line?
1 860 hours working on the project.
That seems a very specific number, I hope she has proof of those hours worked if anyone is paying her out of public funds.
2 37 Spreadsheets.
Are they her spreadsheets, or ones provided to her? The implication is they are hers, but I doubt it. What are they spreadsheets of? Surely if they already exist, the analysis has already been done.
3 9,000 map pins.
Why use map pins? Surely colouring in streets on a map as you complete the analysis would be less confusing than a map full of pins.
4 20 years of election analysis.
I am pretty sure that election results from 20 years ago have already been analysed, and by people far more competent that Jack.
5 136,000 census entries.
The census responses are already analysed, by qualified, capable and skilled people. What a smol pixie can add is anyone's guess.
6 10 years of housing analysis.
What does she think the local authority officers do with the all the information that they have? Do she think they put it in a box file and forget it?
7 Hundreds of miles walking project.
What information regarding population could she glean by walking up a street? It would provide nothing other than anecdotal "lots of kids" or "old people seem to live here" Nothing of any useful purpose. That's before we get on to the fact that she is arthritic and doesn't leave the house without a walking stick. If anyone did employ her to do such walking, they would be in breach of duty of care.
8 12,000 word presentation. Population forecasting street by street.
Who is presenting it, and to whom? For what purpose, and for what aims and objectives? Such detailed street by street analysis is not needed for future planning, area by area is far more useful for devising future service provision needs.
9 It's published in a couple of months.
By who and where will it be available? No point in crowing about something and not letting people know where they can access all this important information.
As an added comment... Why would anyone get Jack to do this project, when all local governments have massive computer systems and IT departments that could do all this overnight? The analytical data that passed across my desk daily would make this look like a school project, and that was 20 years ago.