VIP Member
Apropos of nothing, it really boils my onions that the Tories always charge for their local events. They love doing these soirees with a high-flying party member and there's always a fee. It shuts out anyone who doesn't have the resources which, in my opinion, is rationing local people's access to elected politicians. They send a clear message that membership of the Party involved spending money on these things and that their events are closed to anyone who can't pay for them.I emailed my Tory MP in lockdown so I get sent all-sorts I'd rather not see. Anyway today I've received an invite to his evening with Lee Anderson with a Q&A session at the end. I'm almost tempted to stump up the £10 price of a ticket
It also irks me because the Party doesn't need money. They're absolutely rolling in donations from oligarchs and other dodgy business people.