She talked about how she realised at school that her family must be poor because they didn't go abroad for foreign holidays like her classmates. That could well have been because Dave 'n' Eve spent a lot of money on the costs of fostering which, as he said, included extending the house and buying a bigger car. However, they were still spending that money and their choice to spend it on fostering rather than flashy goods doesn't change the fact they were middle class and quite well off. And somehow guest turns this into "sharing a tin of cold baked beans between them," "had nothing until my grandfather died relatively young" ... in 2012, at age 75, by which time your dad had spent over £100,000 on fostering by his own admission
There's something a little off (for me at least) that Big D is on record about having spent all this money on fostering.
Because they also will have been paid quite a lot to take in kids over the years, right? Maybe it's not enough and maybe you do always end up spending more on your fosters if you're a good and caring person but why go on about it?
Maybe some kids were destructive but I'm pretty sure Big D would've been filing all those receipts and making sure he was recompensed.
They may have spent money to upgrade their house BUT they also added value to that property that will be realised when they sell it.
I can see how Big D totting up his sums may be helpful in making a point about the fostering system, at an institutional level, but how must those foster kids feel, knowing that their childhoods were being accounted for like this?
From what I can see, Big D and Mammy E made a choice to become foster carers that may have been based in an intention of doing some good in the world but they also didn't do it out of martyrdom. They've still held onto a good lifestyle, with comfortable middle class trappings like holidays abroad, motor bikes, fancy watches and gifts of cameras etc to their children. I reckon fostering was a good income stream for them that enabled them to keep earning two wages when E decided to stop nursing.
They've done well for themselves, materially speaking, for two people working in the public sector. No doubt they are savvy about investing in property etc and they've had generational wealth passed down to them too.
But seriously, stop wittering on about how much your foster kids have cost you. It reduces them to transactions in a debit/credit column. Kids in care have so much to deal with, including the feelings of being cuckoos in the nest of a family, without making them feel guilty about the cost of their gruel.
Andt's not hard to see why Jack spouts her resentful bumph about SB being a burden on her finances and freedoms when she's probably grown up hearing this from her own parents.