Totally agree it's astounding. If you tot up the amount of money spent on furniture, a new wardrobe in Edinburgh and holidays just in the last few months. And that's only the stuff we've been privy too. Of course a fridge may break and require replacing. But does it need replacing with a £3k SMEG fridge when a few weeks prior you were asking for donations via PayPal and Patreon because you'd lost revenue in pandemic? Do what the rest of us do trying to save for a deposit and get a nice spreadsheet going with ingoings and outgoings and be bloody strict!
agreed. I imagine the cost of the trip to Edinburgh and the kitten stuff is getting the cost of the last few weeks to at least a couple of grand. That is not what someone in financial dire straits would do. That’s not even something a relatively comfortable person would do given the parlours state of the economy rn. And yet we have this Patreon and other poor references. It Doesn’t make sense.
That Patreon thing. Boy. She is bleeping scum, mate. Not financially secure? Are you taking the piss? Most people arent, you bleeping clown.
She is a middle class, spoilt, self entitled little runt who is insanely blind to her privilege.
That has fucked me off so much. How can anyone be so bleeping insensitive yet act like a saviour!? YOU ARE NOT A WHITE KNIGHT FOR THE POOR. duck off. bleep.
yeah it’s the white knighting thing I can’t get my head round. “Give me your money so I can help the poooooooor!” And she has all these luxury items. I used to just get Jameela Jamil vibes off her. Now I’m also getting Camilla Batmangelidh.