Because she trusted him to help with the family business. What exactly is the family business? Its not recipes, up to recently, she hadnt released a single recipe in ages (see Mollys blog).Shall we tell them that she was going to get him to run her Twitter account?
Oh yeah he’s strung her up like a kipper, and she’s too off her face to realise.I think Matei did his homework before questioning Jack. I can't find the exact tweet, but at some point I think he said something like "You've answered my question" which leads me to believe he needed a particular response from her in order for his suspicions to be confirmed.
Another trap she's walked right into, but this time she might not escape.
I think Matei did his homework before questioning Jack. I can't find the exact tweet, but at some point I think he said something like "You've answered my question" which leads me to believe he needed a particular response from her in order for his suspicions to be confirmed.
Another trap she's walked right into, but this time she might not escape.
The 'cap' will rise to £3549 which is an 80% increase.But surely it's still a cap even if the capped amount has risen by 344%?
I just watched that episode on the Netflix show and I did many lolsOh so Private Eye are on the case then.... hmmm surprise...... BTW re my noir entry for tangential thread award I have realised that in the original Lucier graphic novels by Marvel the 1940s New York detective that pairs up with Lucifer is.... Jack Monroe... I rest my case M'Lord....
Oh she's such a nasty piece of work.... I wish I could get my hands on her.... I'd make her eat her own slop 'til she burst....
Yep from my experience of sending them stuff once they have you in their sights......I'm on an incredible holiday in a different time zone and haven't slept in about 72 hours because I grunk while the rest if my family sleep. Private eye has just entered from stage left. Be still my beating ♥.
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