This describes well what I have been feeling/thinking. She comes across as somebody who has internalised homophobia, misogyny. In line with her tendendy to lie I suspect that when she comes out with stuff like claiming strangers have said "white trash should not breed" it is what she is deep down thinking about herself. I am making a bold claim (m'lud) that I think I can detect her lies quite well: there is always an aspect of pleasure to be felt when she illustrates a situation in which she has been insulted/harmed.It is simply too graphic.
I have mentioned this a few times but would like to point it out again: I think she is a deeply conservative person who has failed to achieve things in line with what is valued from a conservative perspective (traditional job, formal training, marriage, house ownership). Because it did not work she has assigned herself the outcast, pov, tattooed, discriminated lesbian)trans* role and claims to be subject of hate. I do not believe that she gets all these threats. There might be some but not over-proportionate. As we all know she uses the many labels to shield criticism, like so many do. This is why she harms e.g. 'my' community (I am a lesbian but I don't care much about this sub-group membership most of the time) because she is abusing it to cover up her incompetence which has got zero to do with her sexual orientation or tattoos. Her imagined victimhood is nothing but attention seeking.
Also: nice recent 'essay', where she did a 'thing'...what thing did she do?? She stated that SHE RENTS !!!
Guess what: I rent, too. A one bedroom flat. I have got two degrees, I always worked hard. After my cat died I decided to not get a new one because the covid situation put me in a financially bad situation and I would not get an animal if I could not guarantee for vet bills etc. So I am saving up again and not spending it on crap. No holidays either. No short trips. It is what sensible adults do. I do not moan about it and I actually do not mind much and last but not least, I do not have a tip jar and nobody is funding me otherwise.
I am glad people are waking up. Not just because of her personally but because she is just one part of a bigger phenomenon.
This got longer than I intended.