Oh my goodness, it’s taken a right old grunk this morning to not even catch up!
I had so much to say and so many people to quote because it (the grunk) left me with many, many questions! I’ve decided to spare you all and summarise into points, then it’s easier for Jack to ~secretly~ respond. I apologise in advance!
The piano (& playing)
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such vicious banging of those poor piano keys! What did it do to upset you?
Have you/it recovered yet?
Is this the piano you had to sell circa 4 years before the photograph was taken?
Or is it a new one that a wonderful, amazing friend left on your doorstep?
Quoting Jack: “I also ~write~ poetry…”
For once she’s used the tilde correctly, describing her poetry as either an approximation or “NOT”, so not really poetry! Kudos, Jack, kudos.
Baking Thrupenny Cookies
Are you aware, expert cookery person Jack, that you can create caster sugar from granulated sugar? I’m shockethed if you don’t. It MAY have saved your cookies from looking as they did. See how much nicer the Squig’s cookies looked? It could have also made them less ~grainy~ perhaps.
Did you know, egg size is important in a recipe?
Margarine is a completely manufactured product, butter is natural. It’s also not megabucks at £1.60 (my local Aldi) WHEN YOU’RE NOT ON A BUDGET (which you’re not!).
Were your nuts not rancid? (I feel that’s a Harold question, actually…
'Arold! 'Arold! Have you got rancid nuts?)
Did you ensure no-one at the "pool party" had a nut allergy, because it didn't appear that you checked?
How much money did you spend on Christmas food, because you appear to have pulled an awful lot of leftovers from the back of fridges, freezers and cupboards? Just saying.
Jack, you can get a pack of very cheap biscuits from Lidl, Aldi, Asda, even Tesco and Sainsbury’s, that cost less than 3p each. I know because I’ve regularly bought them (and the ninnies have shown you some, here)! They look far more appetising than yours do, they’re pretty tasty, AND one doesn’t have to use the expensive gas/electric to cook them! Win win, if you ask me (I love baking and cooking, but sometimes a good old cheapo biscuit will do!).
The swimming pool.
You have a rich friend with a swimming pool? Really? Is it Stacey Solomon?
Is the house within walking distance (ie: 1 mile or a lil’ bit further, but not as far as 1.5 miles as that’s too far, IYKWIM)?
Did it not hurt your ~arthritic~ joints when you jumped in the pool?
Did you actually, literally PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN before you jumped in?
Did anyone take a photograph of you looking like a drowned Roland?
Did you dry out fully before you walked home or got into someone’s lovely clean car for a lift?
Pool water is awful for hair. Have you still got your PLAITS because I imagine it’s very hard for your arthritic shoulders to a) remove said plaits and then b) shower and wash your hair?
(I only ask out of concern because my poor old mama finds both things impossible, but then, I know she’s in genuine pain because there’s a ~literal~ injury/condition.)
[ETA tit, NOW you tell us it’s a bleeping paddling pool! FFS YOU RUINED MY NOTES!]
Personality traits
Why such a big ego? (More people aren’t coming to your meeting because of your cookies.)
May I suggest you read or listen to Eckhart Tolle? It could just change your life.
Why tell people you have no social skills? It’s obvious, pal.
Did you not realise most people have insecurities? The difference between you and (most of) them is, they’re not living their lives on Twatter and seeking approval from faceless strangers. Those people are NOT YOUR FRIENDS, Jack.
“That’ll learn me?”
Oh dear, Jack, your mask is slipping. A famous Orfer should know it’s teach, not learn. Would you like me to work as your editorial assistant?
I'm so sorry ladies & gents. But damn you, ninnies, I still have 10 pages to go!
STOP IT! (Love you all, really!)