I don’t think ONS guy will get into trouble: civil service HR is super touchy-feely and left orientated, and he wasn’t rude or anything. It might be different if he worked for a consultancy.
He did make himself look a bit of a dick, though. What, you, a data scientist, were aware that data can be interpreted in different ways? My my, you earned that PhD.
They can pin it on the Telegraph or the nefarious tories all they like but the problem is really at Jack’s doorstep. If she hadn’t garnered a load of hysteria with her ridiculous percentages pulled from her arse she might have worked with ONS on a long term project which demonstrated the reality of why it costs more to be poor: using launderettes, Bright House style loans for furniture, other high cost finance, buying cheap shoes blah blah. But that wouldn’t have been the immediate gratification or media storm she likes, so instead she’s discredited anyone who makes a similar claim. Nice one.