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25 minutes ago...
This made ,e laugh out loud, now to get back to what I’ve missed today!!Haha. How I wish conversations with my manager would go. “Thank you for your concern but my work has not been done and shows no sign of being done in the foreseeable future”
Yes please, only the red ones though. Honestly, skip it, it went round in circles and nothing has happened/is relevant.I've been out all day, come home to this? I've got up to page 24 but it's very triggering, I really am a victim of libel, I was in a daze yesterday, today has been a bit better and getting support off family and friends and to come here to see Jack has joined and is accusing many of us of libel is a bit of a reach. I reached out to ICO for support in my case, only for them to take the side of the accuser despite very strong evidence, so I have to write even more letters, I was trying to eat dinner this evening whilst crying which isn't easy. I don't know whether to just cut my losses and miss out the last 25 pages despite my being here since the first thread.
I keep telling myself this quote "what other people think of me is none of my business" and I think it would be very worthwhile advice for Jack. I am not famous at all, I have no idea why I've been the target of so much abuse, and I pray that justice will be done but unfortunately it's a very long and rocky road that I've got ahead of me. I've just opened a bag of jelly babies of anyone wants one?
Oh man, you have been really poorly but I've no idea how being warmer can help with all these afflictions:My joints have got a lot better since I moved out of a freezing cold house on the seafront and into a double glazed bungalow that's an absolute suntrap. I've improved my diet, and stopped drinking. None of these things are a cure, and I still have awful days (currently sitting in a sexy beige shoulder brace) but I am generally physically strong and work hard to maintain that strength. Mrs J joined Tattle for a bit a while back, she was booted off, but she would have happily testified to the amount of times she had to physically pick me up off the hallway floor or carry me up the stairs. My son had to help me up in Asda last week because I crouched down to get some bloody bamboo shoots, of all things, and couldn't get back up again. So yes, some days are better than others.
I was here, in the moment, mouth agape the whole time. Still totally agree with your assessment. She attempted to gaslight us all and was deliberately obtuse and passive aggressive. A narcissist is is still a narcissistOh ffs I always miss the drama
For the record, read it all, still think she’s a twit, don’t think she achieved anything by coming here except further proving that these threads are not a cesspit of people telling lies. How embarrassing for her.