In our last thread
1. If you ever thought Jack could look good wearing a binbag, wow were you in for a treat, she’s now rocking the “double pleather” look all day everyday.
2. On the 6th day after Christmas, a grifter gave to attempt at leftover larder which lasted about three replies and was never spoken of again
3. Do you like my eye make up? It’s bright and made up of all colours, look at the colours, do you like the colours, what colours shall I do? Three
bleeping days and still no opal fruits inspired eye make up. Fucks sakes, Monroe. You don’t even have one job and you still can’t deliver.
4. Bizarrely, managed to improve the appearance of her hair by apparently bleaching the life out of it and putting a silver toner from Wilko on it, between 2 and 7 am
5. Do NOT visit her site cooking on a it’s not secure. More than usual. She has a crack team of 12 engineers working round the clock on restoring the last backup from 2018
6. Do NOT visit the site link she gave it doesn’t exist
7. Tonight is the big countdown, not to new year but to OVERDUE ACCOUNTS
8. You’re not gonna believe this, someone targeted Jacks garage again, this time they took sentimental le crueset cookware and trampled her collection of press clippings, and (eastenders drumroll) the new recipes for the new book!
9. We will always have the leftover “cheesetrocity” recipie. Just blitz left over sweaty cheese with oil, flour and water then pop it in the freezer for...