Mr sister and her husband got burgled, and I mean burgled. They went off to NZ and Australia to visit family and within 2 days of them going their house was done over. They lived in a beautiful barn conversion, on a main road but by itself, the police reckoned the thieves had been watching the house. They had an alarm but it wasn't up to much.
They emptied every single drawer in the house, ripped every picture of the wall looking for a safe, went in the loft and chucked everything our of there, even emptied the kitchen cupboards and smashed all their nice glasses and crockery, and just to finish it off trod on everything to make sure it was broken and emptied things like jam, ketchup, red wine all over the carpet and walls. It took over a week of everyone mucking in and cleaning to make it look anything like ok, meanwhile they were still in holiday and we all had to lie about it. My mum said she had never seen anything like it.
Having a few bits stolen from your garage isn't really in the same league now is it?
Oh, and afterwards they had a very fancy silent alarm fitted, and lots of cameras.
Right, rant over.
Jack, how's dash?I do hope they didn't steal him too. #dashtruther