Congratulations to our favourite Tax Man avatar
@Flash123 for the winning title, your prize? Well it’s not filed accounts, that’s for sure. Take your pick from this pile of delightfully home-dyed clothes which were previously stained and unwearable and now are...oh.
Second prize to
@Boyo for “dyethagoras” nommed by er me.
This thread got off to a chaotic start being started twice with two different titles. What are we on?
Who’s up for a recap? Nobody, the light has gone from our eyes and everything is depressing. Why?
1. Jack is very down and it’s making for uncomfortable viewing
2. To hammer home how bad things are Jack dyed £800 worth of clothes black and will only wear black from now on
3. There has been a LOT of timeline-squashing. What brings you joy? What’s your favourite, red lemonade or brown?
4. Oh
she got a terrified looking
kitten Whose name is a portmanteau of “mithering ninny” this is the best animal-named-after-the-canal since Frau Viv Squiggle the sheep
5. Not so much breadcrumbing as chucking whole bags of kingsmill, there’s a third person staying over.
6. Jack claimed not to know what Fifteens are, so she did
7. Only one more sleep until the 2nd annual Sloppies eeeeeek
8. Jack Monroes network bandwidth has been cut off apparently, no WiFi for months!
9. Jack’s been out on a train and found a new insult “maskhole” which she’s trying to make happen. It probably won’t happen because it means the opposite of what she thinks it means
Lads, lads can you write “nominate” when you’re nominating a thread title, this makes it easier to search the thread to see whose won