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She’s just walked down the road to the beachIs she now on holidays during term time. That's nice of her, why does she never take SB anywhere? Genuine question .
She’s just walked down the road to the beachIs she now on holidays during term time. That's nice of her, why does she never take SB anywhere? Genuine question .
someone was going viral a while ago when HMRC wouldn't give exemption when she was going through cancer treatment. I hope Jack doesn't wriggle her way out of it.I don't think the HMRC give out exemptions for much. So I don't think so. Good question.
Very few people (if any) would be allowed that sort of leverage. You can find all sorts of famous peoples account online.- more famous than Jack. Registered offices addresses can be your accountants - directors addresses and personal info can be hidden. But if you have a uk company it will be on there. Smaller companies don’t have to publish full accounts - they often send abbreviated ones without all the detail. The info has only been free for a few years - as the accounts became available online.Apologies if this has been asked and answered before. I've always wondered about this and, in this thread title, it seems a good time to ask...
Are there any exemptions to the requirement for companies to publish their accounts? For example, could Jack have argued that she is such an important public person she needs to keep this information out of the public domain for her safety?
You need to stop pretending you only have one pair! fugly designer trainers galore
Sausage and yoghurt? SAUSAGE AND YOGHURT???? I quit!
Are you telling me that the soya sauce and sesame oil I got from my local shop are actually neither local nor seasonal? But I bought them yesterday in [insert town of choice]. Surely that means they are an autumnal regional delicacy.Does she know that just because she buys an item in a local shop, it doesn't make it a local item? No, she doesn't.
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It’s the Greek way, doncha know. Food of the gods.Sausage and yoghurt? SAUSAGE AND YOGHURT???? I quit!
She could just put her accounts behind a comic filter to solve that problem.Apologies if this has been asked and answered before. I've always wondered about this and, in this thread title, it seems a good time to ask...
Are there any exemptions to the requirement for companies to publish their accounts? For example, could Jack have argued that she is such an important public person she needs to keep this information out of the public domain for her safety?
Jacks on Chairs is a work of art and should be up in the Tate Modern stat!
Jack's latest chunky slop has me running very fast, faster than a grifter chasing a £1 note.
I agree. I also think in the early days she had a LOT of support re the books etc., from Allegra and her influential friends. It’s the only thing that explains how truly awful her later books have been (not that the early ones were great)I agree. I think she reached a peak, then failed to develop herself further, to learn and progress, change with the times. So she stagnated while things moved on around her, leaving her irrelevant. Now she has no real passion or joy for her work and it shows, the lack of effort and commitment she puts in nowadays is glaring. I think that's largely why she seems to have regressed.
Catching up so this might have been said... I can see the counts under both pictures.Note that she’s hidden the like counts from the sausage tit show, but not the one of her smol feet
Love the thread title!
Has Jack Monroe, director of on a bootstrap ltd, actually paid her tax bill yet then?