Now I don't expect Jack to suddenly turn into Pollyanna - but on the eve of her birthday could she not just reflect on how lucky she is in many ways? Healthy child, two living parents, nice house, bizarrely lucrative career, good relationship with her son's dad?
It's just moan moan crisps moan crisps moan my life is so
No acknowledgement at all how lucky she is to have SB.
And could she approach her work commitment later any more grudgingly if she tried? Maybe relations between her and Mel Donte have soured so she feels free to be rude. Scales must be falling from their eyes rapidly.
And btw I resemble the remark I'm a 'faceless bully'. Any fule no I'm a lovely black and white cat
(Ooh it's after 12. Happy birthday smol scampering fizzing lioness 