Honestly, the worst thing (for me) about her compulsive spending and hoarding is that it's impacting her son. She openly admitted that she sold his toys during THE POVERTY [TM] (which can't have fetched much!!) before her presumably unused guitar, and seems never to actually buy him anything, or go on trips with him?
She feeds him the lowest-quality foods, rarely seems to talk to him and has forced him to move schools multiple times. She has more than enough money to send him to a decent school where he can make some permanent friends, get him some toys he can actually keep and take him on little trips out so they aren't cooped up in the RENTED flat all the time. It's so selfish of her to hoard all this useless stuff for herself - especially as most of it only benefits
her interests.
If I had her income I'd be spending a bit of it on myself, naturally (mama needs her wine and chocolate
), paying bills etc, but I'd also want my kid to benefit from it too. All I've seen from Jack is selfishness.