VIP Member
Also, who eats half a dozen packet of crisps daily when you have an ouchy mouth/tooth? I had a raging tooth infection a few years ago and it's the one time in my entire life I didn't eat crisps for about 3 weeks. Walkers definitely will have noticed the dip in sales.
This times a thousand. If anything shows Jack up for the person she really is, it’s this evenings posts. Poorly, mouth ouchy, teething ring, Difflam swilling Jack apparently feasts on crisps for a week. Even with mild toothache, I couldn’t imagine eating crisps. It’s all bollocks because she hasn’t finished the book. As was the “every time I have a deadline my tech crashes” shite too. I know they should do their homework, but her agents and publishers are genuinely demanding my sympathy right now. Thing is, when she gets dropped by them (inevitable, really - performative poorness, combined with terrible work ethic and slowing sales, book on book) she will blame the bullies complaining about her and ruining her life. She will have absolutely no consideration for her own role in her professional demise.
Also - that noodle mess - I cannot fathom how on Earth leeks would replicate spring onions in any way - they taste completely different and the texture is soft after cooking instead of crunchy or at least with a bite. The rest is just rank slop (as usual) and confit of garlic? What the duck is that? Yet again, budget, tin can cook, £10 a week shop per person, Jack doesn’t have a clue about her USP or her market and pretends to be Heston again. With appalling results.