We need to take it right back to basics... where are the chicken livers?
We need to take it right back to basics... where are the chicken livers?
We need to take it right back to basics... where are the chicken livers?
You have missed the most important question of them all.
Where is the cinnamon granola recipe?
Apologies for getting ~slightly~ unhinged here.
I think quite a few of us (cough cough, granola, cough, pistachio milk, cough) need to take this advice.
And the pistachio milk.We need to take it right back to basics... where are the chicken livers?
I hate the term ally. I don't know why, but I hate it. Maybe because I'm German?View attachment 450197 qView attachment 450198 q
I’m still waiting for her to get back from the shop and start up november’s lockdown larder.
My great-aunts refused to 'bother the doctor'. One fell and 'hurt her leg' but wouldn't call the doctor. Dad told them that she had to be walking or they couldn't come to us for Christmas and New Year. Of course, when he went to collect them, she wasn't so he had to carry her down from the second floor tenement flat. She couldn't get out of bed so dad called the doctor who came first thing in the morning. She had broken her leg at the hip so was carted off back to the same city she had come from in an ambulance and put in traction. It never healed properly because of the time delay but she was incandescent with anger at her nephew for daring to call the doctor. Weird.She forgets/doesn’t care that she holds a public platform and that she has people who hang on to her words and emulate her. Its a pet peeve of mine when people with influence talk about “not bothering” the NHS. The whole point is that people, ESPECIALLY those with long term conditions (looking at you, wheelchair emoji) have continuity of support in general practice. Don’t suggest that people shouldn’t contact the GP because they are some sort of burden. Urgh.
I hate the term 'ally' too. Makes me thing of all the Nice Guyslike the smolrobot man.
Especially those of us who are still wondering what was simmering back in June. (screenshot: Northern Soul)
View attachment 450188 q
could I use sausage toffee in place of cinnamon?I have the recipe!
Maple syrup (or golden/treacle/agave/glucose syrup as all syrups are the same).
Oil (sunflower/olive/extra virgin/coconut/melted lard/leftover fat from sausages because all fat is the same).
Cinnamon (or any other spice because all spices are the same).
Put a tablespoon of each into a blender and whizz it up. Cook for 5 hours. Serves 6 people.
Feel free to forward onto Prince Philip
What's happening with the rash?
Is today's job in London still on?
Is the book deadline still 1st Feb?
What's up with the kitchen floor?
Is Louisa Compton still behind the door?
So many questions.
The sm*lrobot man called his wife a Spousebot today. To paraphrase Jack, I did a lil sick in my mouth.
Don’t mention the war!I hate the term ally. I don't know why, but I hate it. Maybe because I'm German?