VIP Member
No on should use AAVE unless they are black. It’s as simple as that.
I'm glad it's not just me who picked up on that. Racism is a horrible thing and I really don't like to bandy accusations like that about. So I'll just say thatIf he doesn't come to heel like she's ordering him to right nowin that racist tone of voice, she'll be gunning for him by the morning.
Did she retreat from her friends as they started to ask questions and she couldn’t keep up with her lies? Sorry I’m reading for the past (page 44) can’t wait to catch up. Who needs sleep!
Yeah but the novelty soon wears off for her that's what you have to think, before long she will see something else shiny that she can hook her anchor to.
Look at poor THUNDERCLAP that didnt even last a week!
No on should use AAVE unless they are black. It’s as simple as that.
And American!
I don't think she meant it, but that barking tone and the AAVE has inadvertenly come across as a bit racial.
I am absolutely aghast at her use of black American vernacular in Tweets to Marcus Rashford. Is she completely lost?? I’m so disgusted, I can’t even process the many ways in which she is offensive in doing that.... flabbergasted